Carter Noh Skip to main content
FRoSt Lab
Field Robotic Systems Lab

Carter Noh

Research Assistant

Research Project: Terrain-Aided Navigation, HoloOcean Simulator, CougUV State Estimation
Location: 435 Clyde Building


Carter Noh joined the BYU FRoSt Lab in 2024 as a PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Carter holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA. He spent two years as an aerospace engineer at Boeing, where he worked on the thrust vector control system for the SLS rocket. Prior to joining the FRoSt lab, Carter completed a MS in Mechanical Engineering with the BYU Crop Biomechanics Lab, where he researched sensor development and machine learning for agricultural robots.
From Apple Valley, CA, Carter loves music and sings in BYU’s Men’s Chorus. He also enjoys hiking, backpacking, and climbing in Utah’s mountains whenever time and weather allows.


Carter has a strong background in system dynamics and control. In graduate school he has become especially interested in state estimation, localization and mapping, machine learning, path planning, and all the other capabilities that make up an autonomous system. Carter’s current research involves state estimation for a custom low-cost UUV, accurate simulation of waves and currents and their effects on underwater vehicles, and using terrain information to assist in multi-agent localization and mapping.